Come MEET us at our events!
Most "SINGLES MEET US AT" events are each just a suggested $5-10 donation/person to the organizer PLUS the cost of the event/venue/meal to the business where we're meeting*.
X ❤
♥ Donations are accepted here:
People can see what a difference this business can make on so many lives. A few are even asking how they can help and what they can donate. Any and all donations are deeply appreciated ... & monetary donations are accepted here. You only need a credit or debit card to donate safely and securely through PayPal. [We don't see your cc information.]
Your donation goes towards paying some of the business expenses incurred to get this business off the ground and to keep it going like: websites [$500/year], CRM [$100/year], photography [$360/year], landing pages, advertising, business cards & flyers [$1000/year], ZOOM [$200/year], Meetup Organizers memberships [$200/year], Eventbrite [$100/mo], etc.
Thank you so very much from the bottom of my heart! ♥ Erica
MEET us at our events! X❤
Most "SINGLES MEET US AT" events are each just a $5 donation/person to the organizer
PLUS the cost of the event/venue/meal to the business where we're meeting*.

We really want our group to be a BLESSING to the businesses we use to MEET, so plan on purchasing the event tickets/admission AND your food and drink there. Also remember to tip well [20%] so they are HAPPY to have us back again next time.
Here are some examples of the additional cost of an event:
tickets to movies
entrance fees
and more! :)
* I am very passionate about bringing business to other businesses [especially after the devastation that the COVID rules had on small businesses]. This is why I just ask for such a nominal donation of $5-10 just to help cover my costs. The donation goes to me, the coordinator/facilitator, for the cost of putting the event together like website, name tags, gas, advertising, Meetup costs of $200/year, time planning and time hosting, etc. If you know of anyone wanting to SPONSOR our events, have them contact me directly. Phone numbers are below.
[I do want to make it accessible to everyone so I won't turn anyone away for not being able to pay. If you can't pay, please talk to me ahead of time and we can do a trade...like volunteer at the event. For those who want to donate more may do so. :) Thank you!]