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With teamwork, we're able to do these events!   

We can always use another pair of hands!  Contact us to become a volunteer ...we need quite a few at each event.  Maybe you're nervous to attend alone?  Or you want to bring a friend so you can help together?  Volunteering is a GREAT way to have "something to do" without any pressure of trying to come up with WHAT to say. 



Thank you to our amazing volunteers! When I started going to singles events right after my divorce, I volunteered for the local singles event planner so I could be DOING something at the events. It kind of forced me to go, get out of my comfort zone, and meet people. AND I got to talk to EVERYBODY. What a great insight that was! This is why I offer this to people. It's a WIN WIN. I can always use more help and it might just help you too! Sometimes it's fun to do with a friend. Just tell us where/how you'd like to help! Thank you!!

Volunteers help events go smoothly and beautifully.

organize materials for events [prior to event--in person]

orientation meeting[s] with volunteers [prior to event--in person or via ZOOM]

setting up / unloading @ event [usually in A.M.]

registration table @ event [greeting, introductions, name tags, etc.]

helping run the event @ event [running the information booth]

tearing down / clean up / loading @ event [usually in P.M.]

Fill out our contact form, email, text,  OR call us to volunteer!  We need about 6-10 per event.

TAMPA:  813-733-5683 [ 813-SEE-LOVE ]

text 24/7 for quickest response!

Thank you to our amazing volunteers!

Without them, this would NOT happen.



We're looking forward to meeting you!

We can always use another pair of hands!  Contact us to become a volunteer ...we need quite a few at each event.  Maybe you're nervous to attend alone?  Or you want to bring a friend so you can help together?  Volunteering is a GREAT way to have "something to do" without any pressure of trying to come up with WHAT to say. 


Email Address*


Where are you?*

I am interested in Singles Meet Market LIVE as a:*

Please say which kinds of jobs you'd like to volunteer and what are your best skills. :)*


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