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general information


We offer our best efforts for great EQ events for our attendees to connect, meet, learn and GROW as evidenced by our rave reviews. Now in TAMA, we plan to have fun "doing the work" here too!

support conscious quality people in defining,
& then maintaining their 
"happily ever after plan
for happier, healthier relationships filled with 
more play, love, and intimacy 
by learning to articulate their desires and take radical responsibility
for their reactions and responses.

Erica Sandquist ~ Tampa Love Muse


Why do we do so much to help others?

What we do...

We solve one set of problems for you.  We put you in a room with a bunch of singles!!  Now you bring your fabulous personality,  sense of humor, great attitude, a few talking points, and your smile!



Being single is HARD...and lonely sometimes too!  We understand. 



We know that you COULD meet someone by accident and both fall madly in love. But usually it takes meeting a number of people before you find someone you click with! A LOT of people.  Then there has to be CHEMISTRY [which you can only TRULY find out if you MEET in person]! 



So the problem is, how do you meet them in the first place? Sure there are ways--bars, blind dates, dating services, online, etc. But they all have their disadvantages and they take time...lots of it. What fun is it to wait around for someone to talk to you in a bar or risk rejection over and over again, striking up conversations with people you don't even know are single? What if the conversation goes well, what about the awkwardness afterwards with asking for phone numbers?



Hanging out at bars is ok once in a while but it's not a strategy for finding a great match.  Plus, how do you know who there is SINGLE?  You might be chatting up a hottie all night just to find out they are taken or live across the country!  Meanwhile an awesome match was also there and you missed out!  Ugh!


Why we do what we do...

We believe in FUN, friendship, self-development, community, and LOVE most of all!  We KNOW it's hard being single and it is also hard finding a mate!!! But we believe THAT THE WORK IS WORTH IT WHEN YOU FIND YOUR MATCH!!  We want to help!

With our events, you meet multiple people in less than 2 hours, who you KNOW are single and looking to connect with others.

Think of it as a series of mini dates, without the hassle of endless messaging/phone calls/texts just to finally meet up for coffee or a drink! AND look at the money you save! Afterwards, if there's interest...anything from a first "I'd like to continue talking", you can set up a mutual time to meet. 

You will meet more single people in one night of Speed Dating or Single Mingles than you will in a month or more with traditional dating! WOW!!!! That saves you TIME, MONEY, ENERGY, and FRUSTRATION!

One of the best things about our events is that everyone there KNOWS why they are there, they WANT to be participating, and are looking forward to meeting people...people like you! There's no pressure, no rejection, no embarrassment AND no games.  It's just people wanting to meet others! It's pretty dang cool! 

Self-Development Books for 
Healthy Communication & Relationships

Soon, we are planning to have these events monthly! So, we ask that as this starts, people participate and realize that it is going to evolve over the next couple of months and years as more and more people become involved. As people hear about it and attend, it's going to be even MORE AWESOME!!


For that reason, we will be having package deals and discounts for repeat attendance to support those who are supportive to this mission. The survival of this group needs everyone to spread the word and bring single friends.

It's really exciting to be starting something this fantastic here in the greaterTampa area...but it is also expensive and time consuming for the organizers.


Therefore, we love and appreciate people signing up, volunteering, AND ATTENDING from the beginning so we can build something AMAZING together! We ask for patience, understanding and caring....and keeping to your RSVP.  ​


THAT'S the community of singles we are building!  

We're all in this together!

Together we are building a community of caring, single people with integrity:

  • We've had GREAT feedback from the first events.

  • We're working hard to improve upon each event with feedback.

  • There's been QUITE the LEARNING CURVE so we appreciate grace and help.

  • It's really exciting to be starting something this fantastic for singles [and couples now too].

  • It is expensive and time consuming to host these events so we ask for patience, understanding, and help.

  • We love and appreciate people signing up, sharing, helping, and attending so we can build something AMAZING together! We can't do it alone.

  • Please keep your RSVP.

  • The community of singles we are building IS caring people of integrity who are community-minded.



How can we help you find more & better love experiences?



Communication & Relationship Classes & Workshops

in person [and via ZOOM] for those "in" the earlier stages of relationships AND those "in-between" relationships. 


We want to help ALL singles!  To us, this can mean everyone until they are in a committed, cohabitating relationship. Why?  Because you don't just stop having questions about communication in relationships once you're dating someone!  And once you're cohabitating  and/or engaged/married you can join our program Date Your Sole Mate which is for COUPLES.


Some classes/workshops are for those IN RELATIONSHIPS and some are for those INBETWEEN RELATIONSHIPS...and some are for everyone whether you're in a relationship or not.

All the interactive events have an EDUCATIONAL TWIST to help you become the best version of yourself that you can be!

All classes and workshops are designed and facilitated by at least one life coach who specializes in love, relationships, communication, etc.




There are SO many options out there now days for singles who are looking for a fun event, a hook up, and/or maybe even a love match. 


But while these options can be fun and entertaining, it just seems SO SHALLOW, don't they?


Therefore, singles just seem to be "relationship HOPPING" or AVOIDING relationships...both causing pain, sadness, and stress.


Our events are for SINGLES who are conscious-centered and working on becoming the best possible version of themselves.  They want to MEET new friends with a similar desire for happier, healthier relationships by learning  relationship and communication skills....aka EQ skills!


DATING EVENTS:  for those looking to date and/or looking for a potential mate, we have dating events that include our community of conscious minded singles.  Our Dating Events will also be EDUCATIONAL...because that's the type of people we attract and who have similar values.   It's not about the hook up---it's DEEPER than that.


The very first relationship we witnessed was most likely that of our parents. Their issues were our "normal". To have a healthy romantic love, we need skills and strategies to manage our feelings and emotions.




 Sometimes its difficult to "stand outside of yourself" and see what BIG and/or small changes that can make a HUGE difference in your potential for dating success.




We work with men and women who want to resolve their relationship issues once and for all so that they can have the love, passion, respect and fun they want! 




Are you ready to 

UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE life??  Need/want to get results?  Then you may want attend classes facilitated by Erica Sandquist [aka Tampa Love Muse] and/or hire a coach!  Erica has access to quite a few coaches with very different niches!  We can help you find the perfect match! :)


Do you own an area business and might like to become a sponsor, vendor, or you have a venue for our events?  Together we create winning solutions for our attendees AND our businesses by doing "joint ventures"!  Let's see what magic we can make!  Click below to learn more! ❤

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