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Tampa Love Muse

leader, educator, & coach


You can feel confident that you have a real educator* leading the events who is absolutely passionate about LOVE, self growth, education, authenticity,...and playful FUN!

*real educator =  many years of education + decades of teaching experience ] 

to support conscious quality people in defining, co-creating,& then maintaining their
"happily ever after plan"
for happier, healthier relationships filled with more play, love, and intimacy by learning to articulate their desires and take radical responsibility for their reactions & responses!


Tampa Love Muse

Dating & Relationship Life Coach
Law of Attraction Coach
Hostess for Single Mingles & Events
Hostess for Couples "Date Your Mate" Events
 Hostess, Class Creator, & Educator for Educational Workshops/Classes
 Entrepreneur Rookie/Wannabe
Hi! My name is Erica and I am the self- proclaimed "Tampa Love Muse"!  Why do I call myself that?   A "muse" is [usually] a woman who INSPIRES others to be more creative , playful, loving, expressive [w/o inhibitions], and knowledgeable . . . usually in education and the ARTS.   So it makes perfect sense that I am a LOVE MUSE as I inspire others to increase the love in their lives.   Love affects every part of our lives...and relationships are complicated and take WORK!  I believe that we can make "doing the work" FUN!

I take my title of LOVE MUSE very seriously.  ;)  I've literally spent almost TWO DECADES studying, tens of thousands of dollars, PLUS thousands of hours on my education, training, books, workshops, classes, therapy, and coaching.  Now I'm here to share with you what I've learned about LOVE, relationships, and communication so you can learn to be able to CREATE the [love] life we want. By using the Law of Attraction and the Law of Creation you can get what you truly desire . . . starting with being present, positive, and intentional.

I absolutely love to come up with events that combine my 4 passions [EDUCATION, SELF-DEVELOPMENT, LOVE, and FUN] to help you UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE life!  HOW?  We delve into what an emotionally healthy relationship looks like, sounds like, and FEELS like through events, workshops, classes, mini-lessons, and book shares.  

I L❤VE hosting Speed Dating events, singles events, couples events, in addition to leading communication & relationship classes. I've hosted over 100 classes & events in Seattle, Spokane [Washington state], Minnesota, AND Florida -- mostly through Meetup groups.

I started teaching classes on relationships and communication so singles could navigate the DATING, MATING, & RELATING JOURNEY with joy instead of dread.. It was well-received in the community as people are hungry for healthy relationships and just not sure how to get there. They also need FUN ways of meeting other QUALITY singles.

After meeting thousands of heartbroken singles over the past decade, I started hosting events for couples as well in 2021. Keeping couples together in healthy relationships is so very important! and gets to the ROOT of the problem! Let's fix what's broken/not working and save the heartache, trauma, stress and years of rebuilding finances after divorce.

to support conscious quality people in defining,
co-creating,& then maintaining their
"happily ever after plan"
for happier, healthier relationships filled with more play, love, and intimacy by learning to articulate their desires and take radical responsibility for their reactions & responses!


 Creator of The Love Relationshop, LLC


           March 2022 ---> Florida

Hostess for Couples Events

          since 2021 --> Florida

Hostess for Singles Events

          since 2013 --> Seattle, Spokane, Florida

Class Creator & Presenter

          since 2013 --> Seattle, Minnesota, Spokane, Florida

Communication & Business Coach

          training + internship

          2012-4, Seattle

          2015-7 Minnesota

Yakov Smirnoff's Assistant & Mentee

          PBS Taping of "Happliy Ever Laughter"

          2016-17 --> Minnesota, California

          [see photo & stories below]

Trained to be Law of Attraction Coach


Life Coach Training/Education

          specializing in relationships

          training + internship

          2012-14, Seattle

Started Researching Relationships & Communication

          since 2005 -->Seattle, Minnesota, Spokane, & Florida

Educator/trainer for 25+ years

          Minnesota, Seattle, Spokane, Florida

Master's Degree in Learning & Teaching 2000

          Saint Mary's University, Minnesota

          4.0 GPA

               ---> Thesis: Using Brain Theory, Learning Styles,

               Multiple Intelligences, & Cooperative Learning

               in the your Classroom Daily

Teacher's Degree in Elementary Education 1996

          Bemidji State University, Minnesota

          3.75 GPA



I've been leading events since I was a teenager in 4-H running TWO dog training courses a week, camp counselor for many years, and getting trips for my achievements.  As a young mother, despite being both Dyslexic and Autistic/"Aspie" [Aspergers], I earned two college degrees in 6 years including a Master's in "Teaching & Learning".  I then spent 16+ years total as a teacher in St. Paul [MN] & then Seattle [WA]. I left teaching in 2012 to pursue personal TIME freedom through being a life and business coach.  Since then I've been leading classes and events to help others.

Growing up in a very dysfunctional family [of emotional blackmail, manipulation, verbal & psychological abuse] and then not knowing how to get my needs met in my 16-year marriage to a good man and friend, I  turned to the experts [counselors, therapists, life coaches, AND personal trainers] to help navigate the confusion & heartache. Over the last 20 years, I've spent TENS of thousands of dollars and countless hours learning, discussing, reading books, watching videos, and listening to audiobooks on relationships & communication.

I took my education, teaching experience, life coach skills, and counseling when I returned to my home state [for 5 years] to help take care of my parents through their medical emergencies. By being both their caregiver AND still an "adult child" in their homes again, I was able to identify the abuse, work through the triggers and depression, understand how the abuse was FOUNDATIONAL [since it was there before I even had language], and how to reframe it to help me land in a healthier emotional place.

[I believe that we're never "done" doing the work and each relationship "triggers" both good and bad feelings we need to learn to work through. However, we CAN get to a great emotional place where it is safe to explore these triggers and doesn't set you back anymore.]


" To do this 'work' we must first look at ourselves, get brutally honest with our past, and then take radical responsibility for our reactions & responses Until we work through our own triggers, we can never fully feel at peace with another person. It's imperative to not only learn new skills but to practice them regularly in a safe that you're ready for LOVE when you MEET that someone who totally rocks your world!"

~Erica Sandquist, 
Tampa Love Muse

"Getting crystal clear on what you yearn for,
acknowledging past traumas,
taking radical responsibility to your reactions/responses to triggers,
and then communicating  in a loving way,
increases your likelihood of co-creating the LOVE in life you've always wanted.
[whether or not you're currently in a relationship]
This is called 'doing the work' and I believe that the work is
incredibly SATISFYING...and can be FUN too!"

~Erica Sandquist, 
Tampa Love Muse

"I believe that "the MAGIC of LOVE" actually takes work.
People want the magic without the work!
They're looking for someone to rescue in the fairy tales.
That's not realistic and that’s why there’s so much pain out there.

As we learn how to co-create happier, healthier relationships,
let's support each other & make " doing the work" fun, fun, FUN!"

BEFORE the relationship---> learn & practice new communication/relationship skills so you're ready when you meet someone awesome
DURING the relationship---> use your new skills as you work through things [together and/or separately] in a healthy way
AFTER the relationship---> process with support so you can learn from that relationship, heal, and do better next time

~ Erica Sandquist,
 Tampa Love Muse

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