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Connect, learn, practice, and grow...

All of our events, classes, &  workshops are designed to get locals meeting face-to-face again for fun, music, dancing, learning, growing, practicing skills, new friendships and maybe even LOVE!  You never know who you might MEET!  [It might be your new best friend, the love of your life, OR the person who introduces you to him/her!]





Ourselves, & 



"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. 
But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates."

~Thomas Szasz

 Through our classes & workshops, 

we provide education for quality conscious locals to learn, attend, connect, enjoy, & grow! 

It is through education that you can UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE life by learning & practicing new relationship & communication skills in a safe way.

[At the bottom of the page is a list of all the educational options.]


 Then, you'll have FUN with our

unique & interactive SINGLES EVENTS which ALL include important NUGGETS of KNOWLEDGE. That's what makes our events so learn, practice, AND play. 


are just for fun for all singles [whether you're ready to date or not]


for when you're ready to be looking for someone you want to date


Whether  you want to MEET quality new friends or the LOVE of  YOUR LIFE...

Education + Single Events = Improved Possibilities!



Book Clubs, Classes, Coaching, Retreats, Seminars, Workshops, & Events

• --->CLASSES typically run 1-2 hours and are held in a comfortable conference room unless otherwise stated. We consider these mini-workshops or mini-seminars to introduce you to the topics. Some coaching is included in the classes.
• ---> WORKSHOPS are typically 4-8 hours and are held in a comfortable conference room unless otherwise stated.

• ---> SEMINARS are typically ONE to TWO days [usually in a row like on a weekend] and are held in a comfortable conference room unless otherwise stated. Seminars usually have multiple speakers around a central theme.

• ---> RETREATS are typically TWO to THREE days [usually in a row like on a weekend] and have overnight options. They are partially held in a conference room [unless otherwise stated] for the class portion of the retreat. Retreats usually have multiple speakers around a central theme.

• ---> BOOK CLUBS meet once or twice a week for multiple weeks and are held in a comfortable conference room unless otherwise stated. Some coaching is included as well as some other bonuses.

• ---> COACHING is done by phone, ZOOM, or as part of the education in our events/education. For an additional fee, coaching can be done privately. Many times our classes, seminars, and workshops, offer coaching from other coaches.

• ---> EVENTS are fun activities that have nuggets of education about relationships and communication intertwined into the interactive activities.

Themes available are: love, relationships, communication, attachment styles, communicating your needs, forgiveness, Law of Attraction, goal setting, mastermind groups, entrepreneurial skills, weight loss, healthy living, sex, happiness, and MUCH more!


"To do this 'work' we must first look at ourselves, get brutally honest with our past, and take radical responsibility for our reactions & responses!  Until we work through our own triggers, we can never fully feel at peace with another person.   It's imperative to not only learn new skills but to also practice them regularly in a safe that you're ready for LOVE when you MEET that someone who totally rocks your world!"

~ Erica Sandquist, Tampa Love Muse

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