Learn about the classes & workshops we have hosted for singles and/or couples.
❤ We provide classes [educational events] for area singles AND couples to learn, attend, connect, enjoy, & grow their knowledge about communication and relationships through our classes and workshops! It is through education that you can UPLEVEL YOUR LOVE by learning & practicing new relationship & communication skills.

Being single is HARD! Being in a relationship is HARD because relationships AND PEOPLE are complicated. Let's chat openly about the challenges of communication during dating and in relationships.
A relationship/communication coach will be facilitating this event giving you tools & strategies to learn new skills! You can regain your clarity, self-confidence, & happiness.
[Specific topics for each week.]
NEW Relationship Series
Round Table Talk
How to Navigate the Relationship Rollercoaster of Emotions

Law of Attraction Workshop: Abundance for Life
Clarify and visualize what you love and want to uplevel!
Abundance for Life, we will explore how to boost career success, financial success, and success throughout all areas of life...
We are currently able to offer "Abundance for Life" for $97 and includes study materials, meditation cd, notebook, snack and the chance to boost your personal success!

Law of Attraction Workshop:
Happiness Generator
Clarify and visualize what you love and want to uplevel!
Happy people are more fulfilled, relaxed, and peaceful. They naturally get lower prices, more opportunities, better care, more friends, greater intimacy,..
Create the Foundation for your Happiness
Build a Strong Structure
Allow Your Happiness to Thrive & Flow
"Happiness Generator" workshop is $97 and includes study materials, notebook, snack, meditation cd, and a chance to improve your life.
"Happy For No Reason" Book Club is also an option for groups of 5 or more.

Law of Attraction Workshop:
Living the Law of Attraction
Clarify and visualize what you love and want to uplevel!
The Law of Attraction states that you attract whatever is similar in vibration. You become what you think, talk, attend to, and feel deeply about!
The purpose of this class is to understand and apply the Law of Attraction!
Align with your purpose:
Identify and practice your dreams
Set specific goals
Visualize and affirm success
Create an action plan
"Living the Law of Attraction" workshop is $97 and includes study materials, notebook, snack, meditation cd, and a chance to learn how to change your life for the better!

L♡VE MAPPING Workshops
Focus in on what you love and want to uplevel...

more play, stronger love, and deeper intimacy within your relationships!
Our LOVE MAP workshops are here to HELP you UPLEVEL your LOVE life. However, in this workshop, your "LOVE life" is not just restricted to romance like this term usually does. LOVE life means how we typically feel love and give love...based on our experiences from the time we are born [before we had language] until NOW. Everybody's LOVE MAP is different and compolex,
Due to these workshops being designed to be ENLIGHTENING, deep, interactive, educational, fun, and 100% personalized to you, they are on different days. Get started with our LOVE MAP program today...it'll change your life forever! Limited seating for LIVE events.
Coaches guide you through the process of constructing your very own personal LOVE MAP.
Price is per person and a journaling notebook is included!
Then together with your sweetheart you'll design your future road map together using your own personal Love Maps! $47 price is per couple and a journaling notebook is included!

In-Person Vision Board Workshop
Clarify and visualize what you love and want to uplevel!
Whether you 've never made a vision board or haven't updated it for 2022, join us at this beautiful venue. We'll walk you through the WHOLE creative process from start to finish so you'll even learn how to get the BEST RESULTS from your masterpiece. You will have the option of doing your vision board poster on your computer [you won't even need scissors, a single magazine, OR stick of glue...then order a copy to hang on your wall] OR do one the old fashioned way [cut and paste one at the event--we'll have lots of magazines and inspiration].
You'll be inspired and energized when creating your very own personalized vision board to hang on your wall and get what you desire!

Virtual Vision Board Workshop
Clarify and visualize what you love and want to uplevel!
Whether you 've never made a vision board or haven't updated it for 2022, join us from the privacy of your own home. We'll walk you through the WHOLE creative process from start to finish so you'll even learn how to get the BEST RESULTS from your masterpiece.
You'll be inspired and energized when creating your very own personalized vision board to hang on your wall and you won't even need scissors, a single magazine, OR stick of glue!
When you're attending educational classes,
you'll MEET other SINGLES who are also here
to connect, LEARN, enjoy, and GROW!
Education + Single Events = Improved Possibilities!