Being single can be the BEST thing and the WORST thing...all at the same time! On one hand, being single can be VERY liberating and it means getting "your way" 100% of the time! However, it also can be lonely, boring, or even sad at times!
By working with our team of professionals, we help you get CLEAR on what you want and what you don't want, get emotionally healthier, and learn to communicate your wants and needs in clear, healthy ways! This will help you SPOT red flags SOONER and help you to not repeat OLD PATTERNS that no longer served you.

❤ “All results in your life start in your mind. Using your brain to manage your mind can be challenging and that's where a coach can come in and make all the difference. All of the most successful people I know get coaching regularly.”
-Brooke Castillo
You don't have to do this by yourself!

Choose Your Package!
Choose personal one-on-one coaching calls or ZOOM group coaching sessions to upgrade your relationship and communication skills. This will help you navigate the ups and downs of dating. Become the best YOU that you can be so you find the best possible match!

One-on-One Coaching!
Get personalized one-on-one relationship and communication coaching to help you through the dating process. This is NOT a quick trip but a journey to finding a love for a lifetime. Sessions are done one-on-one over the phone or over ZOOM.
NOTE: If you want IN-PERSON COACHING, the packages are substantially higher. and are only offered by a few coaches.

ZOOM Group Coaching!
Get group relationship and communication coaching sessions to help you (and others of your gender) through the dating process. This is NOT a quick trip but a journey to finding a love for a lifetime. Group sizes vary & are offered each season. Group coaching packages are the least expensive option.
Erica has a team of coaches with different niches --one is perfect for you!
Have you heard the phrase, "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"? Learn how to communicate with the opposite sex. Put words to your needs AND ask for what you need in a healthy way. What do you do when you're not being heard? Really hear what your partner is saying.
Any area of your life that you need help in, we can help!
getting your space ready for a partner
getting your body ready [open to a partner seeing you naked and touching you]
getting your mindset ready for a partner
getting your mindset ready for the rollercoaster of dating to find a partner
Remember, "Hurt people hurt people." Give yourself grace, time, self love...and a coach to move more efficiently through this stage of a completed relationship.
RED FLAGS: Yours and Your Potential Mate
What is too needy?
What does co-dependent look like?
IS this woman/man a true narcissist?
Is this a RED flag or should I just bookmark it for later?
Did we move too fast? Too slowly?
How long should we wait before having sex?
How long should we wait before deciding to be exclusive?