Read these tips to feel more confident !
Read this page to answer questions like, what is SPEED DATING, how does it work, what are some tips, who is your hostess, and much more!
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speed dat·ing
an organized social activity in which people seeking romantic relationships have a series of short 2-8 minute conversations with potential partners in the same age range in order to determine whether there is mutual interest
My name is Erica and I am the self-proclaimed LOVE MUSE of Tampa, Florida .
In 2019 I developed a very unique SIGNATURE SPEED DATING SYSTEM that makes for a better experience for everyone.
HOW? Well first of all, you get your results the SAME NIGHT as the event. Secondly, you write down a compliment for each person with whom you have a date. That means that EVERYONE will get a stack of compliments at the end of the night even if they don't find a single love match!
What better way to practice BEING PRESENT, LOVE, KINDNESS, AND SEEING THE GOOD/POSITIVE in somebody?
Hope to see you soon!
Read #1-8 for great dates!
If you have been to a Speed Dating event, you know how simple it is. In 2019, your host ERICA came up with a VERY UNIQUE SPEED DATING SYSTEM so you can get your results the very same night...along with compliments from every date! Don't worry...
we will explain everything you need to know, and you'll look like an absolute pro at your very first event!
After you register and get your name tag [color coded with your name and SD number]. You will have some time to mingle and get a drink. We have found the mingling is a great way to "break the ice" and get comfortable. You will find that the people at the Speed Dating event are easy and fun to talk to because meeting others is the very reason they (and you) are there! Remember, confidence is SEXY to both men and women so don't be too shy to at least say hi and SMILE!
[TIP: Practice working on your self-confidence skills by stepping outside your comfort zone. It is called SELF esteem because you have to work on yours yourself!!]
ALL women will be seated first according to the age group when she registered. [Age groups are color coded and tables are numbered or lettered.] Men will gather in a group off to the side to get SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FROM HOST before joining the women at the tables. When instructed, all the men will then join the women [at the same time] according to the age group when he registered.
Now it's time to start the actual speed dating part! Woo-hoo! [Don't worry! We will go over exactly how it all works when you are there.]NOW IS THE TIME TO LISTEN VERY CAREFULLY TO INSTRUCTIONS. We know you're nervous and/or excited but it's important to be polite by listening for instructions. Many people have a hard time hearing over side talk which can make the event more stressful for them. So please be aware when your hosts start addressing the group and act accordingly.
Everyone will be given a clipboard with a card for every date. Your hosts will let you know HOW and WHEN to fill them out so listen carefully and ask questions if you have any.
Your hosts will let you know that it is time to start your 5 minute date. Talk naturally with your date by sharing info and asking SAFE questions. [Do not ask for specifics of where someone lives, WHERE they work, what their full name is, etc.] Remember to BREATHE AND ENJOY! Be present. Listen and respond.
[TIP: Don't talk about politics, religion or your EX! lol]
The BELL will ring when the 5 minutes are up. At the end of each 5 minute "mini-date", a bell will ring and participants will have a couple minutes to privately fill out their cards using their clipboard to help. Make sure to put your date's name and their number on the card...and your own!
Your hosts will let you know it is time to have your next date. When instructed to do so, THE MEN ROTATE UP TO THE WOMAN WITH THE NEXT CONSECUTIVE NUMBER ON HER NAME TAG-- while the women stay stationary at tables.
[TIP: Say thank you and good-bye to your previous date...and then introduce yourself to your next date while smiling!]
REPEAT instructions above. We'll "speed through" 2-5 dates, take an intermission and then have 2-5 more dates. [Number AND length of dates depends on total number of people attending.]
The staff will collect and sort cards after each round. The goal is that each attendee will be given an envelop of all the cards filled out about him/her at the end of the Speed Dating event. You won't have to wait until the next week for results!!
Please feel free to stay around to have fun, mingle, eat and/or dance...depending on the venue. We try to find places that allow us to EXTEND the FUN together!
Why just 5 to 8 minutes?
We have found that 5-8 minutes per speed date works best to get a SNAPSHOT of the other person. Most people know in just a few minutes if they would like to get to know someone better or not. This is the purpose of speed dating, to bring multiple singles together in order to find other singles they would like to know better and set up real dates with later on their own. If you really hit it off with someone and want to talk longer, stay when the event is over and mingle at the after party.
I'm a little nervous going to a speed dating event. Any advice?
You may be new to speed dating may be nervous about attending an event. However, there is absolutely no reason to be nervous everyone at the event is just like you - single and looking to meet other singles. The events are very low pressure, organized and take place in a structured setting. You never have to worry about approaching someone at our events, because they are expecting and waiting for you to approach them! Don't let nerves stop you from an opportunity to meet someone great!
What if I don't find anyone that I'd want to date again?
We are so confident our events are FUN and successful in meeting great people that you can come back for FREE if there isn't anyone at the event you are interested in getting to know as a friend or as a possible mate! To receive a FREE PASS to another event, you must:
be present and participating during the entire event in which you want a "re-do"
let us know within 48 hours of the event ending
select "NO" to everyone on dating card if applicable [indicating you did not see anyone there you were interested in seeing again]
You are eligible for one FREE PASS per paid event. It is rare that we have someone with no interest in anyone at an event, but it can happen so the FREE PASS takes the worry out of signing up. Bottom line? We want you to have a great time...such a great time that you give us raving reviews and want to invite your friends to al of our future events!
Will it be ok if I come alone?
Absolutely! There is no reason to feel awkward about attending an event alone. In fact, MOST of the people attending an event come alone. Before we begin, the hosts will go through the process so you will never feel as if you don't know what is going on. Once at an event you will be paired at a table with someone and engaged in conversation, therefore having a friend with you is not necessary.
However, people also have a great time when they bring along their friends. IF you don't have any single friends, these events are a GREAT place to meet new friends of either sex!
Will it be ok if I come with friends?
ABSOLUTELY! The more the merrier!
Ladies- Our events make a great "ladies night out", so encourage your single girlfriends to join you for more fun times! And you can be looking out for matches for your friends as well as yourself... and that playful feminine energy is sexy to men!
Gentlemen- There's nothing that will make women swoon more than a few guy friends walking in together...and that male energy is sexy to women! Women prefer men who have good male friends.