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You bring your single friends to meet other people who bring their single friends!!!  A real win-win situation!


You can help yourself by helping us grow! How does THAT work?  Well, our goal is to grow a vibrant community of conscious singles in the Greater Tampa Bay, Florida area.  The more you share our events [on Facebook and in person], the greater the number of people will be at the event! The more people who show up to the singles events, the better YOUR experience will be!


Our Page and Posts on Social Media


Please help spread the word!  If everyone does this, the events will have 



 We provide FUN ways for quality local singles to attend, connect, enjoy, learn, & maybe even MEET a new BFF [or LOVE] through our unique events!

 Our events are interactive and have an EDUCATIONAL TWIST . . . so you're getting more BANG for your BUCK.


We LOVE to host single mingles, trivia,  speed dating, game shows, dancing, weekly beach meetups, karaoke, happy hours, and more! 

It's just a great way to connect with others singles. You never know who you might meet...or be introduced to... because of the people you meet at our events!  

With everyone helping by inviting and sharing events with other singles [friends, neighbors, relatives, co-workers], the sheer number of QUALITY SINLGLES attending will be HUGE and therefore MORE AWESOME PEOPLE will be at our events for you to MEET. 


   Once you're in a relationship, there is a program called DATE YOUR SOLE MATE for couples to enjoy dating their significant other and UPLEVELING the relationship to what both deeply desire.  

We just started adding events for singles AND couples together. Why? We know that just because you're single, doesn't mean that your BFF is [or vice versa] . . . and it's awesome to do FUN events together! 


When we were just doing Speed Dating and self-development classes before COVID, the comment we've heard over and over was:

"This is great! This town has nothing like it, and we need classes AND singles events like this!"

Now, I'm ready to the next level AND I'd LOVE your help.  This website has pictures/links and downloads that you can share on Facebook, at work, with your friends...etc.  The more you share our events on Facebook, the greater the number of people will be at the event!   The more people that show up to the singles  events, the better YOUR experience will be!   [Makes sense, huh ?]


Feel free to share these images on social media or text to friends to help spread the word!

 This website has pictures/links and downloads that you can share on Facebook, at work, with your friends, etc.  The more you share our events on Facebook, the greater the number of people will be at the event!   The more people that show up to the singles  events, the better YOUR experience will be!   [Makes sense, huh ?]

To share:

1.Simply right click on a picture below and then choose "COPY".

2. Go to Facebook to make a post. Double click where it says, "What's on your mind"

3.Then right click and click "Paste". (these steps have been "mom" tested so I KNOW you can do it!;)

4. Invite others to join us and add the link.   Something like: "This is a FUN event! You should go!  Check it out at" OR  "This is a great new singles group!  Check it out at!"  OR any other amazing thing you can think up!

[In the download section, there are pictures and memes that you can COPY/PASTE and put on posters to tack on bulletin boards at work, social areas, bulletin boards, in emails, in texts, and on social media posts. Please ask for a stack of some beautiful business cards  at the next event!  EVERYONE...especially us...thanks you for your help in getting the word out!] 

Love,  Erica xo




 Remember, we're all in this together!  X 

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